Lot of new courses have been introducing every year by many colleges,its good.But taking the students to the right path without losing their hope in that study with all latest equiped technology on the field is very difficult!!.
Focusing only the strudents future in the mind,the CEO of our college have been looking forward for the development of college in hands of Infrastructure,also on giving Quality Education.
Having in mind,all the necessary equipments have been provided for the practical training of the department students.
Most thing is that,students have to know what is they learning and what they have to learn with future creativity mind,for this FACULTY's are well experienced and all most all of them are finished M.E, B.Tech ,P.H.D...
As i am a student in this,i feel very much exited about the teaching staffs and non-teaching staff's respest and lovely speaking with the students.I am a first year student,so there is three year's left,i will continue this blog until and beyond of my completion of my degree
You must know what are all going in your college and what thing you expect what you need etc...
So that it is good for the development of your college...
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